- Services For UK, Spanish & Foreign Law Firms
- Criminal, Family, P.I., Property, Inheritance & Commercial Law
- Certificates Of Spanish Law For UK & Foreign Firms
- Certificates Of English Law For Spanish Law Firms
- Strategic Counsel
In addition to our Private Client and Commercial work, at De Cotta Law we also provide Professional Services for our colleagues in the legal sector in the UK & abroad.
With the growing trend in lifestyles and assets being spread between the UK & Spain and sometimes further a field, we are able to support your legal cases with professional counsel and Certificates of Law (which in the case of litigation will be compliant with the Civil Procedure Rules – CPR). We also offer counsel on Criminal Law and Procedure in Spain as well as the following services:
Personal Injury Abroad – for PI cases conducted in UK and elsewhere that relate to holiday accidents in Spain, we are able to provide:
- Expert Legal Opinion, for example on liability or quantum
- Certificates of Law – CPR Compliant
- Calculations of Spanish Awards for P.I.
- Negotiate on your behalf with Spanish insurance companies
- Represent your clients in Spanish Civil Court cases
- Interrupt Prescription (Limitation)
(Strategic Personal Injury Services for UK Lawyers – Click Here)
Property & Family Law – for international cases relating to family, property, business & assets we provide:
- Expert Legal Opinion
- Certificates of Law – CPR Compliant
- Debt recovery in Spain
- Company searches
- Bankruptcy, insolvencies and business recovery
International Inheritance & Probate Law – for international cases relating to inheritance, probate and estates that encompass the UK & Spain we can provide:
- Expert Legal Opinion
- Assistance with estates that include Spanish assets
- Advice and resolution for areas where there is conflict of jurisdiction
- Signing Of Spanish Wills in the UK
(Strategic Wills & Probate Services for UK Lawyers – Click Here)
English Law – for Spanish Lawyers, we provide Certificates of English Law for use with Spanish Notaries, the Land Registry and the Courts of Spain.
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