The Court of First Instance in Leon has recently ordered an insurance company to pay a local Bar owner 13.200€ in compensation for the 93 days the Bar had to close during the pandemic. Other Courts have made similar decisions though many insurance policies do not cover such losses.
The devil is always in the detail when taking on an Insurance company, whatever the nature of your possible claim. This applies equally to traffic claims, fire and flood damage and theft. If your first claim is rejected it is valuable to seek advice from a specialist. If a negotiated settlement can´t be reached with the insurer it is not wise to proceed straight to Court until your policy has been reviewed and advice given as to your possible chances of success.
Some people, particularly in country areas, may not be aware of the importance of having a policy with a company who pay in to the Consorcio. This is an umbrella body that can pay out in natural disasters such as floods and forest fires and is funded by the insurance companies.
In Spain there is the concept of contributory negligence as in most countries and in some cases this results in a reduced level of payment in traffic accidents and other claims.
At De Cotta Law we have specialists who can review possible claims and discuss your particular case with you. This applies to businesses as much as private individuals and if you need assistance in deciding whether to take a claim to court we will give legal and practical advice avoiding additional costs.
For a consultation in person or a written advice contact us on [email protected] or call + 34 951 315161. For our Tenerife office please call +34 922 719520 or email on [email protected]
We also deal with all types of litigation such as boundary disputes, debt claims and property disputes.