
Filed under : Family Law, Uncategorized, Wills, Probate & Inheritance

Konceptet “äktenskapsregim” är ett fenomen som normalt inte förekommer i Sverige. I Spanien och många andra europeiska länder när folk gifter sig, väljer de antingen äktenskapsregim eller att per automatik all egendom i äktenskapet omvandlas till gemensam egendom – så … Continua


Filed under : Family Law

My colleague Reyes Gómez and I have just joined the UK Family Lawyers’ organization, RESOLUTION. Their aim is to encourage lawyers to seek settlements and avoid conflict when a family relationship breaks down. This can be as part of an … Continua

Powers of attorney

Filed under : Civil Law, Family Law

Powers of attorney can be very helpful particularly between a couple, family or friends who jointly own property. It is important to take advice and to keep clear records if you hold a power of attorney. The involvement of an … Continua

Travelling with children

Filed under : Family Law

Travelling is very much part of our lives in Europe. If you are travelling with children it is very much taken for granted that you won´t have any problems provided you all have valid passports. However, if the children do … Continua

Family lawyers – a blessing or a curse

Filed under : Family Law

We all know good news is heard less often and that bad news sells newspapers. My good news this month is that family lawyers can, and indeed do, help couples whose relationship breaks down. In particular, where there are children … Continua

Contact and residence orders in Family cases

Filed under : Family Law

Re-establishing contact for a Father who had not seen his 11 year old daughter for 6 years We have successfully acted for a father who has been given a court order for contact with his 11 year old daughter after … Continua

Family Law Spain

Filed under : Family Law

Family law is a wide field and there are many solutions both in the courts and as private agreements. Advice taken early as a precaution can be very helpful. When a conflict can only be resolved in court it is … Continua