Handwritten wills in Spain

Filed under : Wills, Probate & Inheritance

A holographic or hand-written will is a document that has been completely written out by hand by the testator and has been signed by him or her. This is different to a will executed and signed before a public notary in Spain. Provided a hand-written will complies with … Continued

Inheritance post Brexit

Filed under : Wills, Probate & Inheritance

This is an area that will remain unchanged post Brexit. The law that will govern succession and who will receive your assets on death will not change. The application of your law of nationality has been recognized and formalized in … Continued


Filed under : Family Law, Uncategorized, Wills, Probate & Inheritance

Konceptet “äktenskapsregim” är ett fenomen som normalt inte förekommer i Sverige. I Spanien och många andra europeiska länder när folk gifter sig, väljer de antingen äktenskapsregim eller att per automatik all egendom i äktenskapet omvandlas till gemensam egendom – så … Continued