Tenerife Global Summit on Tourism

Filed under : Events

Vera Liprandi, Tenerife Partner at De Cotta Law attended the Tenerife Global Summit on Tourism: the State of the Art. It was a very succesful event with hoteliers, academics, public authorities and organisations. Speakers included Natalia Bayona, Executive Director of

Business Debt

Filed under : Commercial Law

Prevention is better than cure, as De Cotta Law explains… Owning, running and managing a business in Spain is rewarding and can be challenging. Unpaid invoices and accounts can cause immediate cash flow problems and build up longer term issues

Divorcing in the English Courts

Filed under : Family Law

De Cotta Law can provide a professional and confidential service to residents of Spain We are often asked whether a couple can choose to divorce in England or in Spain, and where they will have the greater economic advantage. Although