Open Days & Charity events

Office Open Days – Free Consultations

Each of our offices has regular Open Days – please contact us to register your interest for the next event at your local office, and to book one of the limited free consultations.

De Cotta Law supports a number of Charity Events from our mainland and Canary Islands offices. Amongst the charities we support are Helping Hands in Tenerife, Sisters of the Good Samaritan Residential Home in Nerja, The Royal British Legion, AECC the cancer support charity and Cudeca Cancer Care Association.

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Tenerife Global Summit on Tourism

Filed under : Events

Vera Liprandi, Tenerife Partner at De Cotta Law attended the Tenerife Global Summit on Tourism: the State of the Art. It was a very succesful event with hoteliers, academics, public authorities and organisations. Speakers included Natalia Bayona, Executive Director of

Sponsorship of sports event

Filed under : Events

De Cotta Law were very proud to be one of the sponsors of the X111 Padel Tennis Tournament at Vincci Costa Golf in Chiclana recently. Over 900 people attended at the event over the weekend of 27th to 29th October.

Jonathan Sutton – Abogado

Filed under : Business & Legal Partners, Events

De Cotta partner Jonathan Sutton has been qualified as an English solicitor for nearly 20 years and has practised as a lawyer with De Cotta Law in Spain since 2005. This week Jon was sworn in as a Spanish abogado.

UK-Spain Business Forum

Filed under : British Consulate, Business & Legal Partners, Events

Sandra Wrightson and Jon Sutton attended a very positive International UK-Spain Business Forum at the Málaga Technology Park on 23rd February. Sandra is Honorary Legal Adviser to the British Consulate of Málaga and is pictured with the British Ambassador in