
Opendeurdagen – Gratis Consultaties

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De Cotta Law ondersteunt een reeks van Liefdadigheidsorganisaties op het vaste land van Spanje zowel als op de Canarische Eilanden. Hieronder vallen onder meer de volgende organisaties: Helpende Handen in Tenerife, Zusters het Goede Samaritanen Zorgcentrum te Nerja, het Koninklijk Brits Legioen, het kankerfonds AECC en Cudeca kankerhulpgroepvereniging.

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De Cotta Law were delighted to have been  involved with the European Cricket Championship which was held   at the Cartama Oval, near the town of Cartama in Malaga province.  The tournament which involved two divisions ran from 23rd of September … Vervolgd

De Cotta Law Supporters of International cricket

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De Cotta law are delighted to be involved with the European Cricket Championship being held at the Cartama Oval, near the town of Cartama in Malaga province.  https://www.ecn.cricket/european-cricket-championship The tournament runs until, 19th October. De Cotta law have a hospitality … Vervolgd

Tenerife Global Summit on Tourism

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Vera Liprandi, Tenerife Partner at De Cotta Law attended the Tenerife Global Summit on Tourism: the State of the Art. It was a very succesful event with hoteliers, academics, public authorities and organisations. Speakers included Natalia Bayona, Executive Director of … Vervolgd

Sponsorship of sports event

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De Cotta Law were very proud to be one of the sponsors of the X111 Padel Tennis Tournament at Vincci Costa Golf in Chiclana recently. Over 900 people attended at the event over the weekend of 27th to 29th October. … Vervolgd

Jonathan Sutton – Abogado

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De Cotta partner Jonathan Sutton has been qualified as an English solicitor for nearly 20 years and has practised as a lawyer with De Cotta Law in Spain since 2005. This week Jon was sworn in as a Spanish abogado. … Vervolgd