Golden Visa – Apply before April 3rd

Filed under : Uncategorized, Visas

Last week the Spanish Government published the Justice Efficiency Act that includes the provisions to eliminate Golden Visas for non EU investors in property and other assets in Spain. The rules will come into force on the 3rd April 2025, … Kontynuuj


Filed under : Family Law, Uncategorized, Wills, Probate & Inheritance

Konceptet “äktenskapsregim” är ett fenomen som normalt inte förekommer i Sverige. I Spanien och många andra europeiska länder när folk gifter sig, väljer de antingen äktenskapsregim eller att per automatik all egendom i äktenskapet omvandlas till gemensam egendom – så … Kontynuuj

International Mediation

Filed under : Uncategorized

De Cotta Law hosted a meeting of the House of International Mediation at the Museo Carmen Thyssen in Málaga recently. The event was attended by members from different countries including the UK, Germany, Italy and Spain. The group provides mediation services … Kontynuuj

How do you choose a lawyer in Spain?

Filed under : Uncategorized

Choosing your legal representative in Spain can be complex. You want some one that speaks your language and understands your culture but also you need some one who can work effectively in the Spanish legal framework. To help you make … Kontynuuj