Business Debt

Filed under : Commercial Law

Prevention is better than cure, as De Cotta Law explains… Owning, running and managing a business in Spain is rewarding and can be challenging. Unpaid invoices and accounts can cause immediate cash flow problems and build up longer term issues … Continuado

Sandra Wrightson, De Cotta Law appointed an Ambassador for TATOC

Filed under : Business & Legal Partners @es, Civil Law @es, Commercial Law @es, Conveyancing & Property Law @es, Property @es, TATOC @es, Tenerife Office @es

Sandra Wrightson of De Cotta Law is just back from attended the annual TATOC Timeshare Conference 2014 in England (7th to 9th March), where she was appointed an Ambassador for TATOC. The association was originally established to assist owner’s committees … Continuado