Anbefaling – Thomas Gant De Cotta Law

Filed under : Conveyancing & Property Law, Danish Speaking Spanish Lawyer Dansktalende Spansk Advokat, Nerja Office

Når den professionelle bistand af en advokat er påkrævet, er det sandsynligt at det sker på et tidspunkt med højt stress, og køb/salg af ejendom er ingen undtagelse. Thomas Gant López fra Advokatkontoret De Cotta Mckenna y Santafé i Nerja fortjener vores højeste ros for sine evner til at reducere stressniveauet blandt alle involverede parter. Hans hastighed til at reagere på vores henvendelser, hans pragmatiske løsninger på et ethvert antal problemer, den professionalisme han demonstrerede under hele processen i forbindelse med behandling af købere, sælgere, ejendomsmæglere, banker og andre, og hans usvigteligt høflig og behagelig natur, gjorde hele processen langt mindre besværlig og tidskrævende, end det ellers ville have været. Vi taler ikke som den part, der har ansat Thomas, men i to omgange som parten på den modsatte side af hegnet. Men vi er glade for at takke ham offentligt for hans fremragende arbejde.


Lyn & Jens-Kristian Sögaard, Danmark og Canillas de Albaida.

Thomas Gant López.
Spanish Lawyer
De Cotta McKenna y Santafé
Calle Diputación 11

29780 Nerja
Tel (00 34) 952 52 70 14
Fax (00 34) 952 52 34 28
Email: [email protected]

Thomas Gant Lopez of De Cotta Law 2

Client Testimonial for Thomas Gant, Spanish and Danish Lawyer with De Cotta Law

When the professional services of a lawyer are required it is likely to be at a time of high stress, with the buying and selling of property no exception. Thomas Gant from law firm De Cotta McKenna y Santafé in Nerja wins our highest praise for his ability to reduce stress levels among all parties involved. His speed of response to our enquiries, his pragmatic solutions to any number of problems, the professionalism he demonstrated throughout the process of dealing with buyers, sellers, estate agents, banks and others, and his unfailingly polite and pleasant nature made the whole process far less arduous and time consuming that it would otherwise have been. We speak not as the party that engaged Thomas, but in two instances as the party on the opposite side of the fence. Even so, we are delighted to thank-him him publicly for his excellent work.

Lyn & Jens-Kristian Søgaard, Denmark and Canillas de Albaida