You will probably all know of British groups, associations, organisations and charities in your area. In this article we won’t be naming any names but we think it is important to highlight how these groups can provide information, help with problems and, particularly with the charities working here, provide invaluable help to those who need it whether temporarily or on a more permanent basis.
At a recent British Consulate event a local Spanish journalist asked why the British in particular had so many groups and associations. It is a difficult question to answer as most of us don’t really think there is anything unusual in getting together for reasons as diverse as gardening and cooking; or helping support injured soldiers or cancer patients.
Fund raising for charities is of course a worldwide activity and here in Spain there are many international and European groups who work together for people from all the different communities. Recently I personally had the humbling experience of meeting a retired military officer who had cycled 4.000 kilometres – from London to Rabat in Morocco – to raise money for one particular charity, Mèdicins sans Frontiéres! While none of us could probably match this feat we hope that this article might help to inspire you to look up local charities and groups that give such valuable support to all of us in southern Spain.
More information:
The website of the British Consulate in Malaga has details of a number of English-speaking contacts including a PDF list of English-speaking organisations and charities in Malaga, compiled and hosted by the SUR in English newspaper.