Granada office

Granada, in eastern Andalucía, is one of the most beautiful provinces in southern Spain. Home to the Alhambra, one of the greatest historical sites in the world, as well as the Sierra Nevada mountain range, including the highest peak in the Iberian Peninsula, Granada combines natural beauty with a rich cultural heritage.

De Cotta Law has maintained a presence in Granada for some years and continues to offer personalised legal services to international residents. Much of our activity is supported by the Nerja office and our senior partners, offering one of the most diverse and integrated English language legal service in the province.

Office hours

Monday to Thursday: 09.30 – 17.30, no siesta
Friday 09.30 – 14:00

Office address

De Cotta Law – Granada office
E:[email protected]
  • Sandra Wrightson

    Academic barrister

    Holds the Degree of Bachelor of Laws from London University and the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Open University. Called the Bar at the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple in 1997.

    Sandra has over 15 year’s experience of working on all aspects of private international law and conflicts of laws. With a wide range of knowledge in insolvency, timeshare and litigation Sandra can provide a working brief or opinion which can help to find a solution to problems for both private and business clients.

    Working closely with her Spanish lawyer colleagues Sandra has also established a very strong Family department which takes on divorce cases, Hague Convention cases and in particular those sensitive cases when one parent wants to change their country of residence.

    In 2001 Sandra was appointed Honorary Legal Adviser to the British Consul of Málaga.

De Cotta Law – Granada office
E:[email protected]
  • Dette felt er til validering og bør ikke ændres.
De Cotta Law – Granada office
E:[email protected]

How do you choose a lawyer in Spain?

Filed under : Uncategorized @da

Choosing your legal representative in Spain can be complex. You want some one that speaks your language and understands your culture but also you need some one who can work effectively in the Spanish legal framework. To help you make … Fortsættes

How do you choose a lawyer in Spain?

Filed under : Uncategorized @da

Choosing your legal representative in Spain can be complex. You want some one that speaks your language and understands your culture but also you need some one who can work effectively in the Spanish legal framework. To help you make … Fortsættes