England – European Cricket Champions

Filed under : Events

De Cotta Law were delighted to have been  involved with the European Cricket Championship which was held   at the Cartama Oval, near the town of Cartama in Malaga province.  The tournament which involved two divisions ran from 23rd of September … Continuado

Traffic accidents in Spain

Filed under : Personal Injury in Spain

A familiar scene. In low sun or poor visibility, the chance of a Traffic accident increases. Being involved in an accident is often one of the most stressful situations you can be in. It is therefore essential to know how … Continuado

De Cotta Law at a Place in the Sun

Filed under : Conveyancing & Property Law

De Cotta Law were pleased to be present at the Place in the Sun exhibition in Birmingham. Many visitors to the event were looking for holiday properties, residential properties and Visas to move to Spain permanently. The opportunity to speak … Continuado


Filed under : Personal Injury in Spain

Javier Florido and Lauren Sykes held a De Cotta Law seminar in Manchester this week providing important information on Spanish law and procedure in Personal Injury claims. The meeting was well attended by a number of lawyers who work with … Continuado

Tenerife Global Summit on Tourism

Filed under : Events

Vera Liprandi, Tenerife Partner at De Cotta Law attended the Tenerife Global Summit on Tourism: the State of the Art. It was a very succesful event with hoteliers, academics, public authorities and organisations. Speakers included Natalia Bayona, Executive Director of … Continuado