De Cotta is proud to be supporting The English Cemetery in Malaga Foundation.
Sandra Wrightson, Partner with De Cotta law firm is the foundation's Legal Advisor.
For more information visit the Foundation's website at
Bruce A McIntyre MBE, former British Consul in Malaga has been instrumental in safeguarding the English Cemetery by agreeing with the British Government the formation of a ‘The English Cemetery in Malaga Foundation’, a Spanish Charity established to preserve, maintain and administer the cemetery as part of Malaga’s historic heritage.
The charitable English Cemetery in Malaga Foundation was created on 13 July 2010.
Founding Patrons are as follow:
- Bruce A McIntyre, MBE, President, British
- Mrs Rosella Parmiter, Vice President, USA
- Sra Alicia Marchant Rivero, Vice President, Spanish
- Ms Liz Parry, Secretary, British
- Mrs Sandra Wrightson, Legal Advisor, British
- Sr. Jaime Aguilera, Patron, Spanish
- Sr Alvaro Garcia, Patron, Spanish
- Mr George Hagle, Patron, German
The charity is reliant on corporate sponsorship and private donations.
Please help us maintain this special place which significance to many people of all cultures and to the historical heritage of Malaga.
Registered address is Avenida de Pries No 1,29016 Malaga
Tel: 952 223 552
Registration Umber MA1228 CIF: G92799501
La Fundación Cementerio Inglés de Málaga, una organización sin ánimo de lucro, fundada para preservar, mantener y administrar el cementerio como parte del legado histórico de Málaga.
La Fundación Cementerio Inglés de Málaga nació el 13 de Julio de 2010.
Los miembros del Patronato actual son:
- Bruce A McIntyre, MBE, Presidente, británico.
- Sra. Rosella Parmiter, Vice Presidente, EEUU.
- Sra. Alicia Marchant Rivero, Vice Presidente, española.
- Sra. Liz Parry , Secretaria, británica.
- Sra. Sandra Wrightson, Asesora Legal, británica.
- Sr. Jaime Aguilera, Vocal, español.
- Sr. Alvaro Garcia, Vocal, español.
- Sr. George Hagle, Vocal, alemán.
La dirección fiscal es Avenida de Pries No. 1, 29016 Málaga. Tel: 952 223 552
No. de registro: MA1228 CIF: G92799501
Avenida de Pries, 1 29016 Málaga Tel: +34 952 223 552