Family law is a wide field and there are many solutions both in the courts and as private agreements.
Advice taken early as a precaution can be very helpful. When a conflict can only be resolved in court it is important to have the support of a lawyer who manages your case and helps to explain the procedure whilst continuing to seek a negotiated settlement.
At De Cotta Law we have a strong background in dealing with a range of family cases. As well as dealing with Separation and Divorce we can also advise and represent you in financial claims on divorce; seeking permission to change your residence with your children after divorce or separation; division of assets; co-habitation rights; pensions; pre-marital agreements; adoption; incapacity and the execution of foreign Judgements.
In many cases problems can be prevented by seeking advice. For example, a pre-nuptial agreement can prevent conflicts over finances on divorce or separation.
We have also acted for a number of families where one of the parents wants to return to their country or leave Spain. If you don´t have the written agreement of the other parent it can lead to a very stressful and expensive action to have the child returned under the Hague Convention.
Our family law department has experience in dealing with international cases. It may be necessary to apply a foreign law or to challenge the jurisdiction where one of the parties could be disadvantaged.
For a confidential consultation write to [email protected] or call us on 952 527014