Traffic accidents in Spain

Filed under : Personal Injury in Spain

A familiar scene. In low sun or poor visibility, the chance of a Traffic accident increases. Being involved in an accident is often one of the most stressful situations you can be in. It is therefore essential to know how … Continued


Filed under : Personal Injury in Spain

Javier Florido and Lauren Sykes held a De Cotta Law seminar in Manchester this week providing important information on Spanish law and procedure in Personal Injury claims. The meeting was well attended by a number of lawyers who work with … Continued

Personal Injury Claims in Spain

Filed under : Personal Injury in Spain

We frequently receive enquires at our offices regarding falls that our clients have suffered and the possibility of making a personal injury claim. Our answer is always the same: it depends where the fall has occurred. If the fall happened … Continued

Accidents Abroad Seminar

Filed under : Civil Law, Personal Injury in Spain

De Cotta Law contributed to a well received Seminar on Personal Injury claims in Europe recently. The event was held in Birmingham hosted by the law firm Lanyon Bowdler. Jon Sutton – the head of our Personal Injury department – … Continued

Personal Injury

Personal Injury Law, Class Actions & Compensation Claims – for UK Lawyers Personal Injury Law, Class Actions & Compensation Claims – Spain Road Traffic Accidents, Injuries In Public Places Claims For Injuries Whilst On Holiday Abroad In Spain Fixed Costs … Continued

PERSONAL INJURY – CASE STUDY – UK Claimant seriously injured in an accident at a hotel while on holiday in Spain

Filed under : Business & Legal Partners, Civil Law, Litigation, Personal Injury in Spain

De Cotta Law has a highly effective Personal Injury division, providing legal services not only to foriegn residents, tourists and visitors to Spain, but also professional services to international law firms including UK solicitors. Here we publish an interesting case … Continued

How do you choose a lawyer in Spain?

Filed under : Uncategorized

Choosing your legal representative in Spain can be complex. You want some one that speaks your language and understands your culture but also you need some one who can work effectively in the Spanish legal framework. To help you make … Continued