From 1st September a new law has come into effect about children leaving Spanish territory. It is particularly important where a child is not travelling with a parent. These security measures mean that any parent who wants their children to travel with grandparents, other family members or friends must give their consent by completing an online form and taking the completed form for registration at a National Police Office or Guardia Civil post.
The Regulation 10/2019 of 9th July states that when Spanish children leave Spain they must have their current identity document (DNI) if they are travelling within the EU or the EEE. If travelling outside these countries they need to have a current valid passport.
For children of other nationalities leaving Spain they must have a valid passport. For minors, those under aged 18, who travel unaccompanied or without one of their parents written consent must be given. The consent form is available at
the parent(s) completes this form and take it to the National Police or Guardia Civil quarters. If you have any questions do contact us on 952 527014 or email on [email protected]
For British children who live in Spain the UK government has provided more information on the link below.