Family lawyers – a blessing or a curse

Filed under : Family Law

We all know good news is heard less often and that bad news sells newspapers. My good news this month is that family lawyers can, and indeed do, help couples whose relationship breaks down. In particular, where there are children … Vervolgd

Contact and residence orders in Family cases

Filed under : Family Law

Re-establishing contact for a Father who had not seen his 11 year old daughter for 6 years We have successfully acted for a father who has been given a court order for contact with his 11 year old daughter after … Vervolgd

Family Law Spain

Filed under : Family Law

Family law is a wide field and there are many solutions both in the courts and as private agreements. Advice taken early as a precaution can be very helpful. When a conflict can only be resolved in court it is … Vervolgd

Kinderontvoering en internationale families

Filed under : Familierecht

Veel families zullen ook dit jaar in August vakantie vieren weg van huis. De terugkeer naar de school- en werkomgeving is altijd moeizaam maar voor families die apart leven of naar onderscheiden landen moeten terugkeren, kan het nog veel moeilijker … Vervolgd

Divorce and maintenance

Filed under : Family Law

In 1979 Lord Scarman sought to emphasise the principle of a clean break when a marriage ends in divorce –  “An object of the modern law is to encourage (the parties) to put the past behind them and to begin … Vervolgd

Grounds of divorce

Filed under : Family Law

Working as a Family lawyer with a knowledge of English and Spanish laws and procedures one thing that stands out is the concept of no-fault divorce. Spain in line with many countries in Europe introduced no-fault divorce some years ago. … Vervolgd

Getting a Divorce

Filed under : Family Law

Working as a Family lawyer with a knowledge of English and Spanish laws and procedures one thing that stands out is the concept of no-fault divorce. Spain in line with many countries in Europe introduced no-fault divorce some years ago. … Vervolgd